Connect Groups

In a large church such as Cornerstone it’s helpful to be part of the life of a midweek Connect group.

If you’re new to Cornerstone you’re very welcome to join one of our Connect groups. These groups have the following four purposes:

  • Community
  • Discipleship
  • Pastoral care
  • Mission

You can find our more about these groups by coming to our next Connect Central session or by speaking to someone at the Connect area on a Sunday morning.

Connect Central


One of the key ways of feeling part of the church family here at Cornerstone is to be part of a smaller midweek group. If you are new, or if you've been here a while but not yet settled in a Connect Group, we would like to invite you to Connect Central. It's held in our church building and is a great introduction to Cornerstone and our small groups.

Joining a House Group was a really great way to get to know people in church and I praise God for the opportunity to be part of a group who pray for each other and look after each other.

Latest Media
The Word we all Need

1 Corinthians 14

Acts 5:17-6:7

The Empty Life
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