
There are many ways you can serve at Cornerstone. We'd love you to get involved!

It takes around 100 people to make each Sunday happen. Our serving teams include:

Be part of the team that ensures there's always tea & coffee after our services. This involves preparing, serving, and clearing away the tea & coffee.

Help our Sundays run smoothly, by helping us prepare the church for the next service, whether that's moving chairs, collecting Bibles, or emptying bins.

We want each person on Sundays to be greeted with a smile and a Bible. The Welcome Team are some of the first people you meet at Cornerstone, and is a great way to get to know the congregation.

We have many catered events at Cornerstone, including weekly catering for students and ad-hoc events.

These teams exist to tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord. We have a range of children & youth groups on Sundays and midweek.
This role will require a DBS check and Safeguarding Training.

Help us serve the students in our church, who meet each Sunday at 5pm during term time for a Bible study and meal.

Our tech team has a variety of roles, resonsible for our slides, sound, and livestream. This is a great way to serve behind the scenes.

Our cycle guards are responsible for making sure the bikes are safe during morning services, and our parking stewards help keep everyone safe at our main car park entrance.

Each week over 100 people come to learn English at Cornerstone on Wednesday mornings. There are many ways you can serve in this ministry, whether that's hospitality, teaching, supporting, or in the creche (subject to DBS check and safeguarding training).

Our maintenace team help keep our building safe and working, completing a range of jobs every Thursday morning (and also eating cake).

There are plenty more ways you can get involved. Please fill in the Serving Form to express your interest by clicking the link below.

Our Serving Form

We may want to get to know you better before you join some of our teams, and some serving roles may require you to be a church member. All roles working with under 18s or vulnerable adults will require safeguarding training and a DBS check.

I love working with young people because they have so much energy and aren't afraid of asking difficult questions

Childrens' Worker
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