Supporting one another is a central part of church life at Cornerstone.
English Language Class
Learn English @ Cornerstone takes place on Wednesdays during term time from 10:00-11:00am. For more information, please email:
Lessons are currently full. Please don’t turn up without a place. Email the address above for a place on the waiting list.
Fast Food
Fast Food helps provide meals to those who have just arrived home from hospital, have had a new baby, or are struggling through a stressful time. If you would be interested in joining this team and cooking meals for those in need, please email the church office.
Fruitful Faith in Later Life
Fruitful faith in later life is a ministry for those in the retirement generations in our church family. We seek to encourage one another to live out the truths of the gospel in this season of life, meeting monthly during the week.
Men’s Ministry
Cornerstone’s Men’s Ministry provides encouraging support to the men of the church through various activities including curry nights, weekend hiking trips and breakfast devotions. We are currently trialling a monthly Men’s Breakfast to help build bonds of friendship and discipleship amongst men at Cornerstone. Over breakfast, we listen and discuss how we might thrive in faithfulness and godliness in the contexts that Christ has called us to.”
Mums at Prayer
Mums at Prayer is a group for mothers of children and youth. They meet fortnightly on either Wednesdays or Fridays to encourage each other in their faith and as parents. Through discussion and prayer, they focus on pertinent areas regarding children and family life. Contact the church office for more information:
Mums on Mondays
Mums on Monday meets weekly during term time to encourage one another in parenting and faith. They meet in the Church building between 10am-12noon. For more details contact Kathryn Jackson
Tots and Toys
Tots and Toys is a group for pre-school children and their adults and meets every Thursday morning during school term time from 9.45am to 11.00am. You are warmly invited to join us for a time of play, craft activities, Bible stories, singing and refreshments (£1 per family).
For more details contact Kathryn Jackson
20s and 30s
20s and 30s is a social group within the church with the aim to encourage each other in our faith and to stay rooted in Christ. We put on a variety of events throughout the week; it is a great opportunity to get involved in church life, to meet others and welcome newcomers.
For details about what is happening please see the Church email news or email the church office.
Women of the Word
Women of the Word meets in the building from 10.00am on Friday mornings in term time. Join us in the foyer for tea/coffee and a good catch up between 10.00am-10.30am. Then for Bible Study in the small auditorium from 10.30am - 11.45am.
The main reason I moved back to Nottingham to teach was because of the Cornerstone Church family.
Serving at Cornerstone
If you are interested in joining one of our serving teams please fill in a Serving Form by clicking the link below