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Peter Lewis Sermon Archive
Peter Lewis is a widely known writer, preacher, and conference speaker. His main ministry before his retirement was his pastoral and teaching ministry at Cornerstone.
A large 'bank' of his preaching and teaching material is available on the web in both written and audio form. At present this is mainly in the form of series of sermons on many Bible books which Peter believes is the most important part of his ministry.
He preaches systematically through the books of the Bible (expository preaching) applying the ancient text to modern life. It is hoped you will download or steadily go through the printed version of some of the biblical books featured here and find in this treatment of them not only an education in the biblical text but a constant application of the Word of God to your own heart and life.
An excellent apologetics resource to equip Christians and to pass onto enquiring friends.
Video interviews with various people telling about how they came to Christ
A video presentation of the Gospel by Rico Tice
Providing quick, credible answers to apologetic questions that resource people with a hunger to defend their Christian faith
Two Ways To Live
A simple, memorable summary of the Christian Gospel