We are tremendously excited by the opportunities that God has given us to ‘tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD’ and for the potential there is for more people to come to Jesus and to grow as his disciples, as we follow him together.
To make the most of these opportunities, we need the active participation of each one of us in the life of Cornerstone Church. One aspect of this is the need to sustain and develop our mission and ministries with the necessary finances.
We have seen tremendous blessings in our history as a church, and we are excited by the calling that the Lord has given us for our future - knowing that we face that future with our generous God.
Cost Efficient Giving:
- Internet Banking: No charges apply when using your banking app and Cornerstone's Sort Code & Account Number.
- Direct Debit (On-line giving): A transaction charge of 1%, up to a maximum of £2 applies.
- Card (On-line giving): A transaction charge of 2.2% applies.
Click for On-line Giving
Tax Efficient Giving - Gift Aid:

If you are a tax payer, Cornerstone can reclaim the tax you have paid on your gift. This is an important part of the church's income and can add a further 25% to your gift. Please click below to fill in a Gift Aid Form.
Click for Gift Aid Form
Electronic Giving
Thank you for helping us make Jesus Christ known in Nottingham, all nations, and the next generation.
Please credit the account of:
Cornerstone Evangelical Church
Co-operative Bank, 4-5 Exchange Walk, Nottingham
Sort Code: 08-90-74
Account No: 50003947
Please note, the most cost-efficient way of giving, is direct through your internet banking app.